Few years earlier a new kind of world was created that has welcomed nearly four hundred million inhabitants, its name is second life and it exists in cyber space. In this world each inhabitant is unique and distinct from his or her real life, a fantasy creature that you always wanted to be. The virtual Avatar is much stronger, fitter and attractive then the person holing its threads on the other side of screen and they have at there disposal a whole world of virtual places and people to interact with. But this is not a game its virtual life powered by real people and their desires. People join this world when life and love are less than perfect and the escape offered by virtual world is more seductive than real world. People here want to do and experience thing that they can’t do in there real life. Once a person enters second life he or she can spend hours on hours sitting on computer, people basically stumble into virtual life in search of stimulation and escape, people just enter this world with un-clear state of mind where they don’t have a fine motto or vision they are just wonderers who exactly don’t know what they are looking for, but they are searching for some things.

Virtual world gives you power of re-birth, with endless possibilities but for many new comers who enter the world of virtualization see this world as a place that provides them with ability to reinvent themselves. The power to reinvent yourself is the major cause of attraction, and often the life people construct in there computer is preferable to the one they have dumped in the real world. People are always in search of some one who recognizes there emotions, who recognizes there feelings and when they find that person they start spending their time with them and eventually the world of virtualization overpowers real world, people start doing things that resemble to there real life activities.The connections that you make here are similar to the type of connections that you make with someone in real life. People just start liking there connections and enjoying there presence and they respond to them in same way as they do in real life.
But all this doesn’t start at ones, people meet on social networking sites, chat rooms and sooner they start chatting and talking to each other on Skype and viewing each other through cam, things move naturally and its progression is phenomenal. Its seduction can be so strong that it can force one person to wait for his or her counterpart for hours and hours. People usually start by sharing there likes and dislike and eventually as their bondage gets stronger they start sharing there problems and what they believe in and what they don’t believe in. Its human nature to want human touch, a touch that is healing, like in any real life relationship people in virtual world also fight with there spouse they argue on things to make there point clear if . But is world is more fast than real world you are not hold back any one.

Is it the person or the character that you are attracted to or is it combination of both. At this point of time this question starts playing in your mind and you just start finding answer with in you. Though virtual affairs involve there fair share of heartaches but they also can have happy endings. Those who have happy endings go through a reverse engineering and from virtual life they go back into there real life in hope to have a future with some one with whom they have seen dreams in virtual word. In the end it only matters who you are now, a real person with virtualized identity, or a virtualized person moving back to your real identity.


    Vishal Sharma is multi faced youth who believes that           " Every man is architecture of his own fortune".

    Million faces and behind every face there is a story. 

     "Vishal Sharma Story Teller"   
    One word describes me best

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    July 2012
    June 2011


    Human Relation